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Future - Bye Bye (Purple Reign)

Things don't just happen to us who love God / They're planned by His own dear hand. / Then molded and shaped and timed by His clock, / Things don't just happen, they're planned. / We don't just guess on the issues of life, / We Christians just rest in our Lord. / We are directed by His Sovereign will, / In the light of His Holy Word. / We who love Jesus are walking by faith, / Not seeing one step that's ahead. / Not doubting one moment what our lot might be, / But looking to Jesus instead. / We praise our dear Saviour for loving us so, / For planning each care of our life. / Then giving us faith to trust Him for all, / The blessings as well as the strife. / Things don't just happen to us who love God, / To us that have taken our stand, / No matter the lot, the course, or the price, / Things don't just happen, they're planned.

Future - Bye Bye (Purple Reign)


Love God, You blessed Elizabeth Ann Seton with gifts of grace as wife and mother, educator and foundress, so that she might spend her life in service to your people. Through her example and prayers, may we learn to express our love for You in love for one another. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Goodbye, England's Queen! Alas! The death of Queen Elizabeth, the Second, is declared; From the Scottish Highlands, the specter of grief appeared, At Balmoral Castle, the tempest of tears begins to cascade away-Where near her loved ones, the Queen reigned for the final day! Her legacy shall fondly be remembered in every alley of these lands, By all those who in their prime had pledged their loyal hands! Long, O for long may her legacy be cherished - far and wide, And our noble sovereign's name be remembered with pride, The loveliest monarch who ever graced the throne, Whose virtues even foreign strangers had to condone-To whom this nation vowed the service of their years, And now have been reduced to an ocean of tears, The glorious sovereign was raised to Heaven forever, And O how death from life did so boldly sever, Leaving behind a tide of grief and fidelity, Within English hearts to nations beyond the sea. May the love of the mourners upon thee forever shine, And thy glory may the world perpetually enshrine! Beloved Queen, to thy glory, we are a witness, As death visits thee in this cruel illness.Oh, dearest sovereign, and patron of the weak, Pride of this isle, and a pillar for the meek: Eternally eminent in this nation by the sea-Honored and cherished, oh, may you be-In the perpetual land of joy and prosperity, Forever auspicious and sorrow-free.Welcome her, O heaven, with all thy glamor, The Queen of the earth who sought no power, The generous soul who dignified her throne, Oh, Paradise! Rejoice and make her your own! Oh, how I mourn that the Queen is dead, And hope and joy from our life have fled, A noble figure bearing a glorified name, Her nobility was not merely in mortal fame, Who offered hope to an entire generation, With grandeur and intelligence and oration.But I consecrate these lines to the heaven's guest, Who shall for eternity be loved and blessed! The sun drooped low over the English isle, And pedestrians have ceased to cheer or smile; Queen Elizabeth is gone, and who will bless the moors? Who shall grace and brighten the untrodden shores? Oh, skies of London, when you pour showers of rain, Are you mourning or weeping in languid pain? For the honorable Queen who had passed away, And left behind the vestiges of a dreary day! Leading like the frigate of an endless sea, The Queen's legacy is preserved in clemency, Who guided the helpless ones away, From recurring darkness and decay, By offering hopes and homes and relief, Across six continents, dissipating grief! Hail to thy spirit that had flown to heaven, Hail to the soul that all hath forgiven! Angels would rejoice and duly declare, This pious Queen is a saint sincere! Death had come too soon! The beloved sovereign had fallen, Death has shattered the lamp of love, hope and reason, O, how the nation's congregations are weeping! O the soft-hearted ones who have begun mourning! It is still surreal to believe the proclaimer's word: The dearest Queen Elizabeth had left our world! O the beloved sovereign, who lives no more! O the sadness we are feeling by the Atlantic's shore! Thy death has left us in such vast despondency, From London to New York, across this foreign sea! An icon of love, brilliance and chastity, Forever may we cherish thy glorious legacy! Let the birds of the heavens sing a joyous song, For the Queen whose influence will live for long.Oh, the illustrious Queen of angelic virtues! Little can we comprehend what we did lose! Thy soul had traveled to the promised heaven, Oh, long may we cherish this gift earth was given! May we rejoice forever for thy glorious reign-Faithful to the nation, devoted to thy domain! Our day is deluged with a saddening hour, The banners waved low on the London Tower, Great Britain suffered the demise of a Queen, The dimming of a light, the end of a sovereign! From the shores of England, grief fills the day- To the Commonwealth realms far, far away, With a sense of loss and endless sorrow, We brave once more the dawn of tomorrow.Oh, thou whom all in this world adored! The Queen whom local denizens revered! Who desisted from bigotry, battles and wars! Whose legacy shall remain forever like the stars! Oh, how we mourn the loss of thy noble throne! The longest reigning sovereign England has known! Ode to the saintly heart that was born, Upon England's unblemished morn! Whose seventy years over the throne, Like an eternal beacon had shone! O the dark veil of death and despair has fallen, Over our mortal Queen and noble sovereign! Ah, how the masses, overcome by a sudden sadness, Are mourning the late Queen's decades of goodness! The rain and storm, the birds in the gale, How they weep and how they bewail, Joining millions in their distressing sorrow, Mourning the Queen who shall see no tomorrow! Oh, people of this isle, doth thou remember-How the Queen graced thy festivities in December? And blessed charitable patronages for years, Serving her subjects, allying to their fears-Through grief and pain, in her devoted life, Steadfast in every condition, whether joy or strife! Oh, sovereign of the land, hope of this nation! Our tears are but a token of thy adoration! Oh, the glorious beloved Queen! May you be-Forever remembered in this nation's history! Let us remember the Angelic Queen, Whose heart was soft like the moon's sheen, None was par with her in regal excellence, No outrage could vex her noble essence! In that future realm, may she be, In blissful joy and harmony! For all, life and its temporary joys flew away, With the dismal and dreary news of the day, Death had reared upon the royal castle once more, And claimed its due at the sovereign's door! Mourners dwelled in the dark night of grief, Hoping to glean a brief respite or relief: Oh, how the noblest queen of this world, Has undertaken a visitation with her Lord! O patron of the poor, and Queen of this isle! Thy departure is felt from the Thames to the Nile! Thy death is a loss to this sovereign nation, Which thou hast served with noble dedication. Fair was thy years and blessed was thy reign, For whom our tears shall pour like the rain! Blessed be thou, O Queen, and honored farewell! From all those who loved thee, farewell, farewell! English and Commonwealth denizens may grieve, Imbittered by thy loss, their senses retrieve: The legacy of the noble leader and Queen, Hopeless, and unsure what might have been! But Russians, Americans, foreign we may be, We are all but one in our farewell to thee! O the legacy of the glorious sovereign who lives no more! We lament the Queen who graced this England's shore, Death had delivered Her Majesty from our mortal station, O give glory to her name, and condolence to her nation, Gentle comfort to the ones who yielded to lamentation! Let these heartening words be a token of our dedication, From nations afar, we offer our mortal consecration, To the monarch who reigned seven decades since her coronation, Farewell, O faithful Queen, may thy legacy forever survive, We shall mourn thy death as long as we are alive! O Defender of the Faith and morality, English, American, foreign we may be, But in our praise of thy life and thee, We are all disciples of thy sovereignty! Farewell, noble Queen, farewell to eternity, We are all one in our wishes for thee! Bid her farewell, O nation by the sea! Farewell to her from the land of the free!

LANDRY: Our country is in peril because our government is out of control, caused by a President and Congress where free spending and liberal vales reign, where the size of our government is growing as fast as our coast is eroding. 041b061a72



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